Sunday, 11 April 2021

Some bug fixes for the framebuffer frontend


First of all I want to say thanks for all the hard work that has been put into this browser over the years!
I was looking for a fast and lightweight browser to port to the reMarkable, which is an E-Ink tablet with a single-core ARMv7 processor and 500MB RAM.
My efforts to get it running were successful, and I am absolutely amazed by the performance of Netsurf on this device. Really great work!

I found some bugs in the framebuffer frontend. which I have mostly fixed in my fork, but I would like to keep the changes in my fork as minimal as possible.
These fixes may not be in a fitting location, or could be improved (C programming is very new to me), but perhaps they can serve as a base for a fix that can be applied to your codebase.

- The icons in the toolbar are not resized horizontically, just vertically, when setting the toolbar height via fb_toolbar_size.

- On-screen keyboard close button is set to static 18 pixel size, size should be dependent on fb_furniture_size instead

- Some wrong mappings on the on-screen keyboard: slash and backslash is swapped, quote key is mapped to l key

- The on-screen keyboard scrolling and page change is bugged:
When you keep the keyboard open and scroll, the image of the keyboard is scrolled as part of the content.
When you change the page, the keyboard remains in open state but new webpage content is drawn over it.
I haven't got around to fixing this yet. Hints on how to approach this are appreciated!

- This one is a bit more subtle, and I think it only becomes apparent in my more specific use case:
When scrolling via mouse-drag, the desktop/browser_window.c#browser_window_set_scroll function receives the rect to scroll to, and forwards that to set_scroll on the gui-window.
Issue is, the content size in the framebuffer frontend depends on the current scale factor, but the browser_window_set_scroll sends the new rect without the scale factor calculated in.
When continuously scrolling, like is done in the original implementation, this is not noticeable, because each scroll will only be by a few pixels.
But to adapt the scrolling for the E-Ink display, I set fixed scroll increments. And what happens is that e.g. when you set it to scroll 100 pixels, it will actually only scroll (100 / scale) pixels.


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