2015-05-12 13:52 GMT+02:00 Peter Howkins <rpcemu.howkins@marutan.net>:
My guess: sync / async.On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 07:47:39AM +0200, David Feugey wrote:
> Perhaps you should mention which version of TAP you're using.
> Latest version 9.21.1
> Also attach the full log file to the thread.
> It is basically done.
> The rest (AKA ...) is loadconfig lines, and OS lines. With no error.
Yes, those are what I want to see. Those lines were added to aid in
reproducing the setup that the user has, a reproducable bug is one that's
likely to get fixed rather than ignored.
Please post the log on *all* issues reported.
Why not...
RPCEmu 0.8.12
Build: 32-bit binary
Compiler: GCC version 4.6.2
OS: Microsoft Windows
OS: PlatformId = 2
OS: MajorVersion = 6
OS: MinorVersion = 1
OS: ProductType = 1
OS: SuiteMask = 0x100
OS: ServicePackMajor = 1
OS: ServicePackMinor = 0
OS: ProcessorArchitecture = 9
OS: SystemMetricsServerR2 = 0
OS: ProductInfoType = 48
Allegro version ID: Allegro 4.4.2, MinGW32
Host Colour Depth: 32
Working Directory: C:\Users\Utilisateur\Virtual Machines\RPCEmu\RPCEmu 5.22
loadconfig: bridgename = "rpcemu"
loadconfig: model = "RPCSA"
loadconfig: mouse_twobutton = "0"
loadconfig: network_type = "ethernetbridging"
loadconfig: mouse_following = "1"
loadconfig: cdrom_type = "0"
loadconfig: cdrom_enabled = "1"
loadconfig: refresh_rate = "30"
loadconfig: stretch_mode = "1"
loadconfig: sound_enabled = "1"
loadconfig: vram_size = "2"
loadconfig: mem_size = "128"
loadconfig: cpu_idle = "1"
romload: Loaded 'riscos' 4194304 bytes
romload: Total ROM size 4 MB
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfs,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfsfiler,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'SyncClock,ffa' into podulerom
RPCEmu: Machine reset
RPCEmu 0.8.12
Build: 32-bit binary
Compiler: GCC version 4.6.2
OS: Microsoft Windows
OS: PlatformId = 2
OS: MajorVersion = 6
OS: MinorVersion = 1
OS: ProductType = 1
OS: SuiteMask = 0x100
OS: ServicePackMajor = 1
OS: ServicePackMinor = 0
OS: ProcessorArchitecture = 9
OS: SystemMetricsServerR2 = 0
OS: ProductInfoType = 48
Allegro version ID: Allegro 4.4.2, MinGW32
Host Colour Depth: 32
Working Directory: C:\Users\Utilisateur\Virtual Machines\RPCEmu\RPCEmu 5.22
loadconfig: bridgename = "rpcemu"
loadconfig: model = "RPCSA"
loadconfig: mouse_twobutton = "0"
loadconfig: network_type = "ethernetbridging"
loadconfig: mouse_following = "1"
loadconfig: cdrom_type = "0"
loadconfig: cdrom_enabled = "1"
loadconfig: refresh_rate = "30"
loadconfig: stretch_mode = "1"
loadconfig: sound_enabled = "1"
loadconfig: vram_size = "2"
loadconfig: mem_size = "128"
loadconfig: cpu_idle = "1"
romload: Loaded 'riscos' 4194304 bytes
romload: Total ROM size 4 MB
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfs,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfsfiler,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'SyncClock,ffa' into podulerom
RPCEmu: Machine reset
Latest version of RPCEmu, under Windows 7 Pro, startup all OK, as stated before.
Even networking, since I give indication about correct MAC address inside RISC OS.
Nota: I unplugged SyncClock, since it does not interact the right way with RISC OS 5.22.
> Also *disable* windows firewall (or any third party firewall) and test.
> Already tested. No effect.
> 2) The version I'm using is 'TAP-Windows Provider V9' (Open VNP 2.1.3)
> Interesting. I read somewhere that with newer versions of OpenVPN, TAP
> code was rewritten, and more strict on sync/async code (multiple commands
> = async, even if you use sync functions... or something like this). Many
> people seems to have problem to use it from their code.
> I tried with OpenVPN 2.1.3, and the TAP driver now works! Thanks.
> Should I suggest an update? I'm now stuck with an old version of OpenVPN
> (that I use for other purposes), including many flaws... Not very optimal
> (but it works).
Incidentally, now I know it causes an issue I'll see if I can add which
version of the the TAP drier is in use to the log file ....
It's already the case and was in my fragment of log file.
Tap-Win32: version: 9.21.0
I'll attempt to reproduce this with the new driver and see if there's a
simple fix.
Bye, David
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