Monday, 18 May 2015

Re: [gccsdk] autobuilder - GLib-Critical error


mea culpa.. as you found, I have no "" on the AB_HG line. a typo here.

no unusual characters and the checkout is correct.. sources are over a gb...

(I've also got some mods for the fetcher to do a hg pull if the sources are there.. cuts about 15 mins off the load time. .. how can I usefully feed those back as I dont have update rights(as far as I can see)


On 18/05/2015 22:54, Theo Markettos wrote:
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 07:41:17AM +0100, John Ballance wrote:  
Hi Theo    Starting in an xterm causes firefox to be popped open when the glib  err is reported, then the script continues.    the condensed (# comments removed) setvars equates to    echo "1"    AB_HG="https://..."    echo "2"    (where ... is the correct hg path)    THEN:  autobuilder, via fetch-program, scans setvars as a file and  correctly does the mercurial clone (its about a GB), after which it  invokes setvars as a script  
  Hmm, I set up a setvars file like this:    echo "1"  AB_HG=""  echo "2"    (a randomly selected hg repo)    and I get:  Autobuilder: Fetching source for tortoisehg  abort: repository "" not found!    It turns out that the quotes on AB_HG are getting passed through to hg, ie  it's trying to call:    hg clone ""    and hg doesn't like that.  As to why the quotes are getting passed through,  it appears fetch-program is a pile of grep hacks that don't actually parse  the setvars file, they just do basic text extraction.    What I'm guessing is that your hg URL is tripping up the grep and it's  somehow trying to launch your hg URL in a browser (how, I can't tell without  the URL).    So I suggest stripping the quotes, ie  AB_HG=  This successfully checks out on my machine.    If your URL has any unusual characters (spaces? UTF-8? odd punctuation?) can  you say what they are?    Theo    

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