Saturday, 5 January 2013

Re: [Rpcemu] Issues with 0.8.9 on Mac (Mountain Lion)

Thanks Jeremy. I probably should also have at least transcoded the original 700+k png to a low qual jpg, but I was in a hurry and I guess forgot about etiquette. More haste, more grumpiness I guess.
Aside form the size issue, I don't typically have a problem with attachments not being openable - but there you go.

Anyway, I'm just getting into RISCOS having acquired some Raspberry Pis, which are a useful tool for teaching the kids the "strange stuff that Dad does for a living". It's also pretty useful actually for other hobby aspects of mine: electronics and amateur radio. Having had a BBC Micro back in the day (I still have a BBC Master, which is _still_ an awesome experimenters platform owing to the sheer number of ports and the easy access to hardware via the OS and BASIC) RISCOS is also 'familiar', though I have much to learn.

I have to say that it's nice to see RISCOS getting more attention with the advent of the Raspberry Pi port. It really is an excellent fit for the hardware. Linux feels a bit heavyweight on the Pi, whereas RISCOS feels just right: snappy and a pleasure to use once you've adapted to its conventions. I don't know how the Pi compares with your "ancient RiscPC" in terms of performance, but you can't argue with the $35 price point for a very nice RISCOS platform.

To run RISCOS on the Mac, I had acquired copies of Virtual Acorn RPC-Adjust. That works very well, although the installer is a little broken since Mountain Lion, meaning you have to follow a manual installation process. Out of the box, this runs ROL's RISCOS 4 however, and since getting the RISCOS on the RPi I acquired ROOL's USB stick that includes RPCEmu. I partly did this to support ROOL financially a little, but in any case it introduced me to RPCEmu which had the promise at least of being a nice option for running RISCOS on the Mac. While it remains 'not quite a viable option' I shall probably attempt to see if its possible to get a ROOL RISCOS 5 image running on the Virtual Acorn product - hopefully there's no reliance on compiled in hooks and I can use any image… I suppose I'll find out when I try.

On 2013-01-05, at 12:58 PM, Jeremy Brayshaw <> wrote:

> On 5 Jan 2013, at 20:17, Dave Symes <> wrote:
>> And a waste of time that was, as the whole over a Megabyte posting was
>> just filled with garbage... Unless you take it to a PC Mail client.
> Well, as the posting was about RO on a Mac, it certainly came out fine on my Mac Pro!
> Sadly, I've given up with RO on the Mac. It would have solved all my problems, but I have VRPC which is quite useless. Yes, it works, just, but isn't really useable. RPCemu sounds good, but only in Alpha puts me off. So I have to use native apps on the Mac, none of which are anything like as versatile as good old RO apps!
> I'm still using an ancient RiscPC for the majority of my work (relying on Ovation Pro, artworks and various other apps I've never found equal on the Mac).
> But back to the plot - the posting with the screen image came out fine here, and shows just why RPCemu is close, but not quite useable on a Mac yet. I live in hope!
> I'm a devoted RO fan, but RPCemu hasn't quite made it yet, sadly.
> Jeremy.
> --
> Jeremy Brayshaw <><
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