Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Re: [Rpcemu] RPCEmu licence and other topics

On Tuesday, 24 August 2021, 18:53:48 BST, David Feugey <dfeugey@ascinfo.fr> wrote:

In message <747934817.371552.1629823670136@mail.yahoo.com> you wrote:

>>> 1/ Adapt RISC OS to QEMU. Problem: since QEMU is mainly a Linux beast
>> QEMU is cross-platform and has been for a very long time.
>I never say it's not.

You claimed it "is mainly a Linux beast". Which suggested that you didn't think it was.

>>> 2/ Make RPCEMu and RISC OS 5 going closer. Would it possible to have a new
>>> hardware type (Pheobe II?) with more possibilities, virtual hardware more
>>> easy to emulate and a RISC OS version for it?
>> Peter did mention this in his original email. In short, the main purpose
>> of such a "new hardware type" would be ARMv7, which would be a vast amount
>> of work for what would have to be a custom RISC OS build, for "hardware"
>> which would not resemble any actual target hardware platforms in the
>> slightest.
> That's not my idea. I was more on simpler changes: a machine type with
> some enhancements and a RISC OS 5 version to exploit them.

What enhancements would you be thinking of then? Updated instruction set is the main enhancement, RiscPC is stuck at best on a 25-year old version of the ARM architecture that the rest of the world moved on from a very very long time ago.

>> Using QEMU to emulate something Pi-esque (and fixing the issues on QEMU
>> preventing this from working) would be a _much_ better use of everyone's
>> time.
>Perhaps, but not a _much_ better use of my money. If I propose to fund
>this kind of project, it's because RPCEmu can be compiled for RISC OS...

Why would you want such a thing? I also seriously doubt anyone with the interest or ability to do this would want your money.

>Since I have only a 44 year old UK OS on my desk, it's important for me.
>But I'm probably wrong :)

You're not just wrong, you're absolutely barking.


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