Sunday, 1 August 2021

Re: [gccsdk] GCC development organisation

On Sun, Aug 01, 2021 at 10:53:48AM +0000, Stefan Fröhling wrote:
> Hello all!
> I would like to know how the RISC OS GCC development is organized.Is there
> any coordination? Is there only one mayor developer?
> As Noa Lee is working on GCC for built the !Iris browser.
> Are there others?
> Is all coordinated at Github?
> Do each work only by themselves without knowing what the others do?
> Is there a big boss? Is there a plan who does what and what needs to be
> done?

Organisation? What's that? :-)

TBH there isn't very much. Not much has been happening of late, things have
mostly been ticking along as and when individuals have time, which seems to
be rarely.

I set up a github org:
but most things have been happening in SVN. The best place to
see the activity is the commit mailing list:
About a dozen people have commit access, but a number of those aren't active
any more.

In summary, looking over recent commits:

I pay the hosting bills and maintain (in a very loose sense)
the server. I also 'maintain' the CI
system (which is broken and has been for ages, due to a move to a new server
meaning the config needs redesigning).

Lee Noar has been looking after GCC, including GCC 8 and 10, taking over
from John Tytgat who is no longer active.
Alan Buckley looks after PackMan and some (game?) ports.
Chris Gransden has worked on a lot of the ported software in the autobuilder
A few other folks have done occasional commits or have their own repos on
the server

There's no boss, because there's not much resource to 'manage'. This
mailing list is 'it', so if there's no commits or traffic on this mailing
list then you can assume nothing has happened.

> By the way looks we got a new capable programmer in the RISC OS community
> by Jake Hamby as he is trying to make GCC 10.3 work now. But as his
> example shows every starts from zero and must work himself through the
> problems. That is not very efficient.

We're very happy to help out with people having problems and to bring new
folks up to speed (lots of things are quite complicated and there's a fairly
steep learning curve), so I'd encourage him to join and post here. It would
help us improve documentation if nothing else.

Please bear in mind that some parts don't have a current 'owner', in that
the person who made them has moved on and so nobody actually knows the
answer to some questions. So it's possible that if nobody replies then
nobody knows.

I'm also generally happy to give active developers access to resources like
commit access to SVN (I'd suggest posting a few patches here first for
sanity checking since SVN doesn't have a code review process).

Much of the current infrastructure is a bit creaking and I'd be quite happy
for things to move to github if that's what people want to do and someone is
willing to do it (I had a go at converting the SVN repo to git but not in
the right way - it needs more work to do it right). If anyone wants to take
the lead on that then feel free to post here and we can work out the


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