Monday, 31 March 2014

[PATCH 10/10] adding relevant tests

test/data/tokeniser2/ | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++
test/data/tokeniser2/contentModelFlags.test | 75 ++++++++++++++++
test/data/tokeniser2/domjs.test | 91 +++++++++++++++++++
test/data/tokeniser2/pendingSpecChanges.test | 7 ++
test/data/tokeniser2/unicodeCharsProblematic.test | 27 ++++++
test/data/tokeniser2/xmlViolation.test | 22 +++++
6 files changed, 326 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 test/data/tokeniser2/
create mode 100644 test/data/tokeniser2/contentModelFlags.test
create mode 100644 test/data/tokeniser2/domjs.test
create mode 100644 test/data/tokeniser2/pendingSpecChanges.test
create mode 100644 test/data/tokeniser2/unicodeCharsProblematic.test
create mode 100644 test/data/tokeniser2/xmlViolation.test

diff --git a/test/data/tokeniser2/ b/test/data/tokeniser2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4218c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/tokeniser2/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Tokenizer tests
+The test format is [JSON]( This has the advantage
+that the syntax allows backward-compatible extensions to the tests and
+the disadvantage that it is relatively verbose.
+Basic Structure
+ {"tests": [
+     {"description": "Test description",
+     "input": "input_string",
+     "output": [expected_output_tokens],
+     "initialStates": [initial_states],
+     "lastStartTag": last_start_tag,
+     "ignoreErrorOrder": ignore_error_order
+     }
+ ]}
+Multiple tests per file are allowed simply by adding more objects to the
+"tests" list.
+`description`, `input` and `output` are always present. The other values
+are optional.
+### Test set-up
+`test.input` is a string containing the characters to pass to the
+tokenizer. Specifically, it represents the characters of the **input
+stream**, and so implementations are expected to perform the processing
+described in the spec's **Preprocessing the input stream** section
+before feeding the result to the tokenizer.
+If `test.doubleEscaped` is present and `true`, then `test.input` is not
+quite as described above. Instead, it must first be subjected to another
+round of unescaping (i.e., in addition to any unescaping involved in the
+JSON import), and the result of *that* represents the characters of the
+input stream. Currently, the only unescaping required by this option is
+to convert each sequence of the form \\uHHHH (where H is a hex digit)
+into the corresponding Unicode code point. (Note that this option also
+affects the interpretation of `test.output`.)
+`test.initialStates` is a list of strings, each being the name of a
+tokenizer state. The test should be run once for each string, using it
+to set the tokenizer's initial state for that run. If
+`test.initialStates` is omitted, it defaults to `["data state"]`.
+`test.lastStartTag` is a lowercase string that should be used as "the
+tag name of the last start tag to have been emitted from this
+tokenizer", referenced in the spec's definition of **appropriate end tag
+token**. If it is omitted, it is treated as if "no start tag has been
+emitted from this tokenizer".
+### Test results
+`test.output` is a list of tokens, ordered with the first produced by
+the tokenizer the first (leftmost) in the list. The list must mach the
+**complete** list of tokens that the tokenizer should produce. Valid
+tokens are:
+ ["DOCTYPE", name, public_id, system_id, correctness]
+ ["StartTag", name, {attributes}*, true*]
+ ["StartTag", name, {attributes}]
+ ["EndTag", name]
+ ["Comment", data]
+ ["Character", data]
+ "ParseError"
+`public_id` and `system_id` are either strings or `null`. `correctness`
+is either `true` or `false`; `true` corresponds to the force-quirks flag
+being false, and vice-versa.
+When the self-closing flag is set, the `StartTag` array has `true` as
+its fourth entry. When the flag is not set, the array has only three
+entries for backwards compatibility.
+All adjacent character tokens are coalesced into a single
+`["Character", data]` token.
+If `test.doubleEscaped` is present and `true`, then every string within
+`test.output` must be further unescaped (as described above) before
+comparing with the tokenizer's output.
+`test.ignoreErrorOrder` is a boolean value indicating that the order of
+`ParseError` tokens relative to other tokens in the output stream is
+unimportant, and implementations should ignore such differences between
+their output and `expected_output_tokens`. (This is used for errors
+emitted by the input stream preprocessing stage, since it is useful to
+test that code but it is undefined when the errors occur). If it is
+omitted, it defaults to `false`.
+xmlViolation tests
+`tokenizer/xmlViolation.test` differs from the above in a couple of
+- The name of the single member of the top-level JSON object is
+ "xmlViolationTests" instead of "tests".
+- Each test's expected output assumes that implementation is applying
+ the tweaks given in the spec's "Coercing an HTML DOM into an
+ infoset" section.
diff --git a/test/data/tokeniser2/contentModelFlags.test b/test/data/tokeniser2/contentModelFlags.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8b1695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/tokeniser2/contentModelFlags.test
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+{"tests": [
+{"description":"PLAINTEXT content model flag",
+"initialStates":["PLAINTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "<head>&body;"]]},
+{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "foo"], ["EndTag", "xmp"]]},
+{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (case-insensitivity)",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "foo"], ["EndTag", "xmp"]]},
+{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with space)",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"input":"foo</xmp ",
+"output":[["Character", "foo"], "ParseError"]},
+{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with EOF)",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "foo</xmp"]]},
+{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with slash)",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "foo"], "ParseError"]},
+{"description":"End tag not closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with left-angle-bracket)",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "foo</xmp<"]]},
+{"description":"End tag with incorrect name in RCDATA or RAWTEXT",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "</foo>bar"], ["EndTag", "xmp"]]},
+{"description":"End tag with incorrect name in RCDATA or RAWTEXT (starting like correct name)",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "</foo>bar</xmpaar>"]]},
+{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT, switching back to PCDATA",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "foo"], ["EndTag", "xmp"], ["EndTag", "baz"]]},
+{"description":"RAWTEXT w/ something looking like an entity",
+"initialStates":["RAWTEXT state"],
+"output":[["Character", "&foo;"]]},
+{"description":"RCDATA w/ an entity",
+"initialStates":["RCDATA state"],
+"output":[["Character", "<"]]}
diff --git a/test/data/tokeniser2/domjs.test b/test/data/tokeniser2/domjs.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e650c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/tokeniser2/domjs.test
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ "tests": [
+ {
+ "description":"CR in bogus comment state",
+ "input":"<?\u000d",
+ "output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "?\u000a"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"CRLF in bogus comment state",
+ "input":"<?\u000d\u000a",
+ "output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "?\u000a"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"NUL in RCDATA and RAWTEXT",
+ "doubleEscaped":true,
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+ "input":"\\u0000",
+ "output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\\uFFFD"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"leading U+FEFF must pass through",
+ "doubleEscaped":true,
+ "input":"\\uFEFFfoo\\uFEFFbar",
+ "output":[["Character", "\\uFEFFfoo\\uFEFFbar"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"Non BMP-charref in in RCDATA",
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state"],
+ "input":"&NotEqualTilde;",
+ "output":[["Character", "\u2242\u0338"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"Bad charref in in RCDATA",
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state"],
+ "input":"&NotEqualTild;",
+ "output":["ParseError", ["Character", "&NotEqualTild;"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"lowercase endtags in RCDATA and RAWTEXT",
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+ "lastStartTag":"xmp",
+ "input":"</XMP>",
+ "output":[["EndTag","xmp"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"bad endtag in RCDATA and RAWTEXT",
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+ "lastStartTag":"xmp",
+ "input":"</ XMP>",
+ "output":[["Character","</ XMP>"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"bad endtag in RCDATA and RAWTEXT",
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+ "lastStartTag":"xmp",
+ "input":"</xm>",
+ "output":[["Character","</xm>"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"bad endtag in RCDATA and RAWTEXT",
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+ "lastStartTag":"xmp",
+ "input":"</xm ",
+ "output":[["Character","</xm "]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"bad endtag in RCDATA and RAWTEXT",
+ "initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
+ "lastStartTag":"xmp",
+ "input":"</xm/",
+ "output":[["Character","</xm/"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"Non BMP-charref in attribute",
+ "input":"<p id=\"&NotEqualTilde;\">",
+ "output":[["StartTag", "p", {"id":"\u2242\u0338"}]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"--!NUL in comment ",
+ "doubleEscaped":true,
+ "input":"<!----!\\u0000-->",
+ "output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["Comment", "--!\\uFFFD"]]
+ },
+ {
+ "description":"space EOF after doctype ",
+ "input":"<!DOCTYPE html ",
+ "output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null , false]]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/test/data/tokeniser2/pendingSpecChanges.test b/test/data/tokeniser2/pendingSpecChanges.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7dc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/tokeniser2/pendingSpecChanges.test
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{"tests": [
+{"description":"<!---- >",
+"input":"<!---- >",
+"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["Comment","-- >"]]}
diff --git a/test/data/tokeniser2/unicodeCharsProblematic.test b/test/data/tokeniser2/unicodeCharsProblematic.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5987845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/tokeniser2/unicodeCharsProblematic.test
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{"tests" : [
+{"description": "Invalid Unicode character U+DFFF",
+"input": "\\uDFFF",
+"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\\uFFFD"]]},
+{"description": "Invalid Unicode character U+D800",
+"input": "\\uD800",
+"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\\uFFFD"]]},
+{"description": "Invalid Unicode character U+DFFF with valid preceding character",
+"input": "a\\uDFFF",
+"output":[["Character", "a"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\\uFFFD"]]},
+{"description": "Invalid Unicode character U+D800 with valid following character",
+"input": "\\uD800a",
+"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\\uFFFDa"]]},
+{"description":"CR followed by U+0000",
+"output":[["Character", "\n"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\u0000"]],
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/data/tokeniser2/xmlViolation.test b/test/data/tokeniser2/xmlViolation.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c6351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/tokeniser2/xmlViolation.test
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+{"tests": [
+{"description":"Non-XML character",
+{"description":"Non-XML space",
+"output":[["Character","a b"]]},
+{"description":"Double hyphen in comment",
+"input":"<!-- foo -- bar -->",
+"output":["ParseError",["Comment"," foo - - bar "]]},
+{"description":"FF between attributes",
+"input":"<a b=''\u000Cc=''>",

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