Build: 32-bit binary
Compiler: GCC version 4.6.2
OS: Microsoft Windows
OS: PlatformId = 2
OS: MajorVersion = 5
OS: MinorVersion = 1
OS: ProductType = 1
OS: SuiteMask = 0x300
OS: ServicePackMajor = 3
OS: ServicePackMinor = 0
OS: ProcessorArchitecture = 0
OS: SystemMetricsServerR2 = 0
Allegro version ID: Allegro 4.4.2, MinGW32
Host Colour Depth: 32
Working Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Utilisateur\Mes documents\RPCEmu
loadconfig: model = "RPCSA"
loadconfig: mouse_twobutton = "0"
loadconfig: network_type = "off"
loadconfig: mouse_following = "1"
loadconfig: cdrom_type = "0"
loadconfig: cdrom_enabled = "1"
loadconfig: refresh_rate = "20"
loadconfig: stretch_mode = "1"
loadconfig: sound_enabled = "0"
loadconfig: vram_size = "2"
loadconfig: mem_size = "32"
loadconfig: ipaddress = ""
loadconfig: cpu_idle = "0"
romload: Loaded 'riscos' 4194304 bytes
romload: Total ROM size 4 MB
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfs,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfsfiler,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'SyncClock,ffa' into podulerom
RPCEmu: Machine reset
RPCEmu: Machine reset complete
HostFS: Registration request version 1 accepted
I have no log for recompiler. Crash is so sudden that files are not written on disc (no blue screen, just a reboot).
It's the same configuration, appart from this detail.
Nota: I have a dual screen config, but acceleration seems only to be available on screen 1.
I'm not sure if the processor is a N230 (32 bits only), or a 230 (32/64 bits) but bios mode is 32 bits.
Speed is around 7-13 MIPS in interpreter mode. 2-7 MIPS in recompiler mode, before crash (a few seconds <-> a few minutes). Crash can happens after I leave the application. But it occurs every time.
No crash at all in interpreter mode. Just problems with mouse (follow host mode).
2014-01-27 Peter Howkins <rpcemu.howkins@marutan.net>
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 08:15:37PM +0100, David Feugey wrote:Can you post your rpclog.txt file
> RPCEmu 0.8.11
> RISC OS 5.20
> Windows XP SP3 on Intel Atom N230 (first generation)
On XP it's same directory as the binary. [1]
[1] On Vista/7 it's same directory as the binary if not installed in
Program Files, else it's in C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/RPCEmu
Peter Howkins
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