Sunday, 15 April 2012

Re: [GeSHi-devel] tools for writing/testing language file

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Am 11.04.2012 21:28, schrieb Carnë Draug:
> Hi
> I've been trying to write a language file for the octave language. I
> have read the documentation but still have some doubts on the syntax.
> I was wondering if there's some tool/text editor where I could
> easily/quickly test the file as I develop it.
There are two options:
1. Use the code samples directory for putting your files in and calling
the runtests script. There's an ?lang=yourlangfile option to only
highlight sources of a given source lange.
2. Putting some source e.g. in WordPress or another program using GeSHi
and reload the page

In both cases just put the language file in the directory where all the
other language files are. Upon saving just reload in your webbrowser and
GeSHi will pick up the modified language file when highlighting the
source again. Be sure to use something that doesn't cache (the runtests
script does not and thus is suited for it).
> Basically I would like
> something that I could refresh, and it would automatically pick the
> saved language file which would allow me to explore better by trial
> and error.
> For example, when I wrote the same language file for gtksourceview,
> all I had to do was reselect the language on gedit and it would pick
> up the newly saved file. Is there such a thing for GeSHi?
Yes, as explained above. Please also ensure to run the langcheck script
for your language to ensure future compatibility and the language being
free from errors.
> Thanks in advance,
> Carnë
Best regards,

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