On Wed, 18 Feb 2015 10:21:07 -0000, Peter Howkins
<rpcemu.howkins@marutan.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 08:12:17AM -0000, WPB wrote:
>> I'm finding that RPCEmu periodically gobbles all the remaining space
>> on my drive (around 10GB) with an enormous log file. Is it possible
>> to stop RPCEmu logging, or limit the logfile size?
> There isn't a way to turn off logging. However it shouldn't be generating
> 10GB files, that's a bug. What is in the log?
> Peter
Okay, it looks like it's to do with the networking which I never managed
to get working.
The log looks like this:
Build: 32-bit binary
Compiler: GCC version 4.6.2
OS: Microsoft Windows
OS: PlatformId = 2
OS: MajorVersion = 6
OS: MinorVersion = 1
OS: ProductType = 1
OS: SuiteMask = 0x300
OS: ServicePackMajor = 1
OS: ServicePackMinor = 0
OS: ProcessorArchitecture = 9
OS: SystemMetricsServerR2 = 0
OS: ProductInfoType = 3
Allegro version ID: Allegro 4.4.2, MinGW32
Host Colour Depth: 32
Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\RPCEmu
loadconfig: model = "RPCSA"
loadconfig: bridgename = "rpcemu"
loadconfig: mouse_twobutton = "0"
loadconfig: network_type = "ethernetbridging"
loadconfig: mouse_following = "0"
loadconfig: cdrom_type = "0"
loadconfig: cdrom_enabled = "1"
loadconfig: refresh_rate = "60"
loadconfig: stretch_mode = "1"
loadconfig: sound_enabled = "0"
loadconfig: vram_size = "2"
loadconfig: cpu_type = "SA110"
loadconfig: mem_size = "256"
loadconfig: cpu_idle = "1"
romload: Loaded 'riscos' 4194304 bytes
romload: Loaded 'riscos_old_os5' 4194304 bytes
romload: Total ROM size 8 MB
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfs,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'hostfsfiler,ffa' into podulerom
initpodulerom: Successfully loaded 'SyncClock,ffa' into podulerom
RPCEmu: Machine reset
Tap-Win32: device name: rpcemu
Tap-Win32: device path:
Tap-Win32: File opened
Tap-Win32: version: 9.21.0
Tap-Win32: status set
Tap-Win32: tap_win32_overlapped_init done
Tap-Win32: Thread created
RPCEmu: Machine reset complete
HostFS: Registration request version 3 accepted
Tap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING - beforeTap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING -
afterTap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING - beforeTap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING -
afterTap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING - beforeTap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING -
afterTap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING - beforeTap-Win32: ERROR_IO_PENDING -
afterTap-Win32: Error GetOverlappedResult 995 - The I/O operation has been
aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.
Tap-Win32: Error ReadFile 995 - The I/O operation has been aborted because
of either a thread exit or an application request.
Tap-Win32: Error ReadFile 995 - The I/O operation has been aborted because
of either a thread exit or an application request.
[repeated ad infinitum, or until infinity's resources are expended]
I suspect I can fix the problem by turning off networking in the
configuration. I'll try that and let you know if the problem goes away.
BTW, does the above error from Tap-Win32 shed any light as to why
networking doesn't play?
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