# Attendance
* Daniel Silverstone
* Rob Kendrick
* Vincent Sanders
* Chris Young
* John-Mark Bell
# Absentees
* Michael Drake
# Chairman's report
Chair was absent and could not make his report
# Secretary's report
The society articles remain unchanged for this year. Since neither of
Sven nor Ole have contacted the secretary to request membership, the
membership of the society stands at:
* Michael Drake
* John-Mark Bell
* Daniel Silverstone
* Rob Kendrick
* Chris Young
* Vincent Sanders
* François Revol
* Steve Fryatt
# Treasurer's report
This is a summary of the society's financial status as of 2012-06-16.
## tl;dr
The sole source of income since the last report (2011-03-27) has been
the takings from sales of NetSurf at the Wakefield 2011 and 2012 shows.
All outgoings have been in the form of reimbursements for
project-related activities or show stand bookings.
As resolved at the 2010 AGM, the society will now pay up to 15 pence per
mile for mileage.
## Detail
Balance carried forward: 1456.01
2011 Wakefield Show sales 195.00
2012 Wakefield Show sales 265.00
Michael Drake -- train tickets:
EDB->WKF->EDB Wakefield 2011 (50.00)
EDB->WKF->EDB Wakefield 2012 (70.00)
John-Mark Bell:
368 miles RDG->WKF->RDG Wakefield 2012 (55.20)
Lunch Wakefield 2012 (11.85)
Rob Kendrick:
CDR singles & jewel cases (25.19)
Vincent Sanders:
Lunch Wakefield 2011 (12.49)
Wakefield 2012 stand (40.00)
Remaining Funds: 1651.28
## Notes
Rob Kendrick and Vincent Sanders' payments are pending treasurer's
receipt of account details.
# Git conversion report, pitfall avoidance and planning
The conversion script is in place and functioning on the Pepperfish
server. The currently published interrim repositories stand at r13965
and are published to the gitweb instance on:
Various tweaks to the repository set were made thanks to assistance
from Michael Drake and others.
Daniel wrote a git-testament script and did the various makefile
tweaks to ensure that portion of the build system will move over.
Various gitignore files were also added to the SVN in preparation.
## Issues and remaining work
The remaining primary issue is that of the shared build system we have
for our libraries. An amount of discussion was had regarding this,
both on IRC and on the mailing list. We will need a decision to be
made on this before the conversion, else we will not be buildable at
all come July.
Daniel has undertaken to provide a 'git cheat-sheet' so that
developers will be able to transition with a little pain as can be
achieved. However full instructions won't be available until we
resolve the above point.
It is possible that initially we won't have the commits list
operational. Daniel is working on this, but it may take a touch
longer than the stated transition date. We will still have CIA
support at that time, although the bot may need a tweak or two to show
nicely in-channel.
Changes will have to be made to Ohloh and other sites to ensure they
track our project effectively going forward.
Please keep discussion of these (and any other git related issue) to
the mailing list if appropriate.
## Commit access
The following society members have NOT supplied ssh keys and thus will
be without direct commit rights after the conversion unless they
supply keys in the meantime:
* John-Mark Bell
* François Revol
* Steve Fryatt
In addition, Ole Loots has supplied keys and will continue to have
commit rights despite not being a society member.
# Committee election
We have received nominations and seconds for the current committee and
no others. Thus the vote is simply aye or nay for the status-quo.
Unanimous vote for the status-quo.
# A.O.B.
## Status on the libdom conversion
Chris Young asked for a status-report on the libdom conversion.
John-Mark indicated that forms are still to-do and that he has
approximately no time to tackle them. Daniel asked if John-Mark would
at least write a few notes on what there is to do, so someone else
could try and tackle it. John-Mark thinks that
http://wiki.netsurf-browser.org/LibDOM/MinimalSubset covers the
majority of it. And that in summary there is a "ton" of form-related
nodes to be implemented and that form association needs sorting out.
Form gadgets need building during box construction and then attaching
to the relevant DOM node. Daniel offered that if it wasn't sorted by
the Debian BBQ, he and Vincent could work together to see what can be
## Javascript support
Vincent says that the JS support is 'coming along nicely'. He spent a
bit of time wandering off looking at jsapigen, but its bindings are a
tad 'special' so may not be appropriate.
Daniel Silverstone http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
PGP mail accepted and encouraged. Key Id: 3CCE BABE 206C 3B69
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