Thursday, 8 March 2012

Re: [evaluation] python bindings to netsurf for pyjamas-desktop

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 12:01 AM, m0n0 <> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 08.03.2012, 20:28 +0100 schrieb lkcl luke
> <>:
>> p.s. even gobject has those "interfaces" concepts, now.  the factory
>> stuff.  and that's pure c.
> You often referred to gobject-introspection. ginterface and gobject seem to
> be pretty old, though.

yes, they are. they've... matuured, like stilton cheese :)

> Is Introspection mandatory for the thing that you are talking about?

not mandatory, but if you don't use it, then you must "roll your own"
version of what gobject introspection does. take a look at
python-gobject's which will give you some idea of what
would be needed (of course, s/python/javascript).

look at the ".def" files of gobject. that's a veeeryy and i mean
serrriously crude "IDL" system. but it's effective.

on top of that ".def" system, gobject introspection came into being by
making it "dynamically self-describing" at runtime. and that *is* the
very definition of a Common Object Model - that objects contain within
themselves enough information to tell people how to use them... *at

no code need be written to use an object that has been plugged into
any type of Common Object Model, *especially* not for a scripting
language (javascript, VB, python etc.)

> I think
> introspection is
> some step further, I don't see what the benefit is right now.

m0n0: it's the same type of technology as COM. so yes: if you don't
see the benefit of COM, you also won't see the benefit of
gobject-introspection :) not being funny har har or anything but it
is funny as in ruefully funny that you should say that :)

i don't know what to advise, here, because it's something you either
"get" or you don't. it's... meta-programming. it's like adding an
extra dimension to the whole programming concept.

let me think... can i suggest (because it'll be easier) that you
explore python-gobject? get to grips with the codegen stuff? ok just
doing a couple of searches... look at this!

see what the guy says? he says "i did NOT have to install anything
pythonic related to libmidguard3 because libmidguard3 support gobject

have you _any_ idea how incredibly powerful that is? a programming
language - a *random* programming language - DOESN'T need to have ANY
language bindings to library XYZ... because gobject-introspection
TAKES CARE of that... dynamically.

it's _that_ easy.

in fact, it's so easy that people using Visual Basic are pretty much
completely ignorant of the fact that they're using COM interfaces to
access things like Microsoft Office Scripting and so on.

> I can get gobject from glib-2.20 (stone old, I know...) for "free" - without
> porting efforts.

yeah that would work fine with python-gobject's "" system.

> glib 2.4 also can be ported,... I never tried glib 3.x
> There is also stone old ORBIT (0.5.7) for my system. But I guess it isn't
> suitable...

ORBIT i've only heard about.


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