When I run the (almost) latest build NetSurf-m68k-atari-mint-gcc-6790 (or actually any randomly selected build between 4757-6790, as found here https://ci.netsurf-browser.org/builds/atari/), I get a totally broken unreadable font, and maybe some issues with how the window is rendered.
Best visible on the screenshot here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1ffqe7jh5m0qaf36kej29/netsurf_screenshot_atari_falcon.png?rlkey=t3y5ujodidyuhw7czzihdvh6j&dl=0
(I'm not sure if I can attach images on this forum so I rather put it as a shared link on my dropbox)
When I run it from bash in verbose mode with -v, I don't see any apparent problems in the log - it's mostly INFO.
The log is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lot9ibi362tulvhftcwq0/LOG.TXT?rlkey=81p419t621182sen7mbuhvfd5&dl=0
I run it on Atari Falcon 030 with DFB1X accelerator by Exxos (50 MHz, 128MB alt-RAM). FreeMint build 1-19-731, XaAES 1.6.4 Beta (Jun 2024), and typical EasyMint packages.
If I try to run older Netsurf 2.9 downloaded here https://www.netsurf-browser.org/downloads/atari/, this one works fine, but apparently has only the old deprecated TLS (that's why I want to run a newer build).
I'll be happy for any tips here.
Thanks a lot
Jan Romportl
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