Thursday, 4 June 2020

Re: [Rpcemu] Attempting to install ADFFS on RPCEmu using Mac 0.9.3a build

On Thu, 4 Jun 2020, at 12:01, Luke A wrote:

However, when I try to following the instructions on installing ADFFS from JASSP here (admittedly this is for a Pi)

I run into an issue. The !Boot.Loader is not seen as a directory, either in RISC OS or on my Mac - it appears as a text file on RISC OS and as a Unix executable on my Mac. 

I can neither complete the instructions on the YouTube video or the text instructions here

That information on the JASPP site is extremely specific to the Pi and RISC OS 5.  It's the easiest way to get the old games working.  ADFFS (the key compatibility software behind JASPP) actually works on original Archimedes hardware, Risc PC hardware, and the more modern RISC OS platforms such as the Pi (covering RISC OS 3.1, 3.[5/6/7], 4.0 and 5).

!Boot.Loader is specific to the RISC OS 5 Pi distribution, so you won't find it on a real Risc PC or RPCEmu (remember, RPCEmu emulates a real Risc PC).

You could try running ADFFS on RISC OS 3.7 within RPCEmu (I'm not sure if RISC OS 5 running on a Risc PC would be a supported configuration).  However, some time ago, it was reported that RPCEmu could not run ADFFS - this may be fixed in later versions of RPCEmu.

Another option is to use Arculator, which emulates an Archimedes-class machine, so you can run RISC OS 2 or 3.1 as necessary.  ADFFS could still be helpful here for compatibility, but you might find the games work without it.  Last time I checked, though, there was no macOS build of Arculator.  I did have some success getting it working under Wine, but that was a couple of years ago.

A Pi is the easiest way.  :)

  Richard Walker

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