Friday, 19 June 2020

Re: [gccsdk] Is it time for a new version of GCC4?

On 18/06/2020 21:02, alan buckley wrote:
> I�ve updated create-riscpkg and riscpkg-versions to hopefully the
> correct versions for the next release.
> Please let me know if anything looks wrong.
> Lee � Can you have a look at the Description and copyright used for the
> ARMEABISupport module in the create-riscpkg file.

Yes, that looks OK.

> I see ARMEABISupport is in the Modules.500 directory, is this then not
> used for RISC OS 4?

Well, technically no and GCC 4 doesn't use it anyway. It's really meant
for GCC 8 and newer, which I didn't really envision being used on RISC
OS 4 due to a 32 bit requirement.
However, having said that !SharedLibs.SOMRun1st loads it, so it does
need to be present.

> For PackMan I have to include the SharedUnixLibrary so it can be run to
> set up a clean machine. Do I now need to include the ARMEABISupport
> module and preload it if it�s not in system?

If I understand you correctly, you mean that Packman itself relies on
SharedUnixLibrary to run. If Packman is an ELF binary, then SOMRun1st
will be called and attempt to load ARMEABISupport, so yes it will have
to be preloaded. If Packman is AIF, then no you should be OK.

> Once I�ve sorted this out and the select patch is updated I�ll have a go
> at building a new GCC release unless someone tells me to wait a little
> longer.

I've been running Iris with the updated select patch for a week or two
now and I don't see any ill effects, so I'll commit the change tomorrow.


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