Hi all,
As those of you who follow every CI release may have noticed, in the past week
or so, the Login dialog, and the SSL issue alerts have changed to be
in-browser. This was done to simplify the frontend APIs a little, and to unify
the functionality into the core so that it is easier to amend/extend for all
fronends at once.
In addition, we have added code to tell you the basic reason why a certificate
was not acceptable to the browser and done our best to make the dialogs look
fairly obvious to work with.
There are some known issues with the dialogs right now.
First and foremost, the dialogs are not in necessarily in their final form in
terms of visuals. Secondly they currently make no use of JavaScript and so
will work even if JS is off; but in future we may *add* functionality by JS so
it may become necessary for all but the most basic features. Finally (for now)
there is no way outside of the content to know for sure that the page was
generated by NetSurf itself. We will be adding an indicator which will show this
among other status information in the near future. This will likely take the
form of the 'padlock' feature you see on most modern browsers.
That said, we need your help to get these features nailed down as they are, so that
a future release can include them...
We need translations for the various messages used in those dialogs. The login
dialog is pretty much translated already, but the new SSL dialog needs a number
of strings translating. Those of you who are able to translate messages, you can
find the current set of messages at:
The specific messages for the SSL dialog are around line 1070 in the "Privacy
error interface" section of the file. Translations for the certificate failure
reasons are most critical at this time. We may tweak the english text from
time to time, as we optimise how the dialog feels, and it goes with the
"PrivacyDescription" text which also needs translating for each supported
The "%s" in PrivacyDescription is for the server's hostname, so any translation
should take that into account and include such a marker where the server name
should go.
We are also anxious that if you encounter problems with the new login or privacy
problem interfaces, that you report them to our bug tracker. I would appreciate
such issues being raised because this is all using very new internal features
in the browser which we hope to use for other functionality in the future and so
we need it well tested.
Further discussion on the topic of these two dialogs may come in time.
Thank you all,
Daniel Silverstone http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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