<big snip>
I've got the 5.22 ROM in and RPCemu 0.8.102 boots up on Ubuntu 17.10 within VirtualBox on a Mac. The RPCemu testing web pages gave good guidance.
The next problem was much flashing of the Ubuntu window once RPCemu started, so bad that I could not use RPCemu. Ubuntu Help recommended that I go into VirtualBox and enlarge the Display memory to 128 MBytes, the system memory to 3 Gigabytes (of 16G on this Mac) and use Xorg instead of Wayland for the Ubuntu display server protocol. I did all of this and the flashing was no longer there on a reboot of Ubuntu. The previous problem with VirtualBox was that internet access failed with NatNetwork but worked with Bridged Adaptor.
Reading the instructions continues to be a besetting problem here! Eventually I solved these apparent puzzles: (a) how to get hold of the 5.22 ROM (I already had it!), (b) setting RISCOS to boot from HostFS, (c) putting HardDisc4 into HostFS from the Ubuntu side, (d) extracting from HardDisc4 and (e) putting the extracts all onto HostFS.
RPCEmu is now working happily at a stated 250 odd MIPS, which compares with up to 440 mips stated on VRPC at the same time on the same Mac. Congratulations to the RPCemu team.
Tomorrow's job will be to get the networking going. Then move a few applications over from the ARM6X and see how they compare and if RPCemu will make an adequate backup for the ARM6X if the latter should go belly up. Note that I have already abandoned VRPC as a machine for the future as there seems to be no support for any problems and development is non-existent. The other pleasure is that backing up RPCemu should be child's play.
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