Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Re: [Rpcemu] RPCEmu pre release test version 0.8.101

Thanks for the new test-version.
I tested the 'MOUSE TO' behaviour and got some strange results.
RO3.71, RPC SA, Windows 10, Interpreter (or Recompiler it seems) with default settings.

There seems to be a few problems:
- If the host mouse pointer goes outside of the client window (or even on an edge sometimes) then MOUSE TO no longer has any effect and this can be caused by the command itself (e.g. to 0,0)
- In some modes the emulated pointer is in the right position but the host pointer sometimes moves to the bottom of the window (but at the correct x coordinate) (e.g. 28)
- In other modes the emulated pointer ends up in the wrong vertical position (e.g. 15)

#1 and #2 apply only to windowed mode, #3 to both.
I couldn't get completely repeatable results except for #3. Maybe the window position affects the behaviour or some odd thing in the emulated environment.

I noticed some other strange things like the escape key not working at one point and both interpreter and compiler crashing (as in some illegal operation causing Windows to complain and close the program) when switching 'follow host mouse' on and off but I couldn't reproduce either.

I can't imagine the MOUSE TO behaviour is needed for much anyway and it's all fine with 'follow host mouse' off. I just use it to centre the mouse so I can get (delta-x,delta-y) values. Maybe the odd 3D game with mouselook. If any exist!
If you want to look into it however, here is the program I wrote when testing:

FOR M%=15 TO 28 STEP (28-15)
PRINT"Re-center the mouse and press any key":A=GET
PRINT"TO (300,300)"
MOUSE TO 300,300
PRINT"Re-center the mouse and press any key":A=GET
PRINT "TO (0,0)"

I think the emulator is in pretty good shape now! Thanks again.

Kind Regards,

On 5 February 2018 at 18:10, Peter Howkins <rpcemu.howkins@marutan.net> wrote:
This is the third test release of RPCEmu based on the wide ranging
changes made for qt5.


Please test this version as thoroughly as possible, and if you previously
reported an issue with 0.8.100 and it is listed below, please test and
confirm it is fixed.

 - Windows - pass 'alt' key onto emulator correctly.
 - Windows - Re-enabled networking.
 - In 'Follow host mouse' mode enable support for OS_Word 21,3 'Move
   Mouse', also supports BBC BASIC 'MOUSE TO'.
 - In 'Follow host mouse' mode, the mouse is now capped to the bounding
   box (e.g. an error box), restoring the 0.8.15 behaviour.
 - Re-enable writing the configuration file to the log file to assist in

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Matthew Howkins
Peter Howkins

Peter Howkins

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