* Copyright 2016 Nina Kalinina <ninacarrot@ya.ru>
* Copyright 2016 Ashish Gupta <ashmew2@gmail.com>
* This file is a part of libnsfb, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
* Licenced under the MIT License,
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libnsfb.h"
#include "libnsfb_event.h"
#include "libnsfb_plot.h"
#include "libnsfb_plot_util.h"
#include "nsfb.h"
#include "surface.h"
#include "palette.h"
#include "plot.h"
#include "cursor.h"
/* Define codes for KolibriOS' events */
#define EVENT_REDRAW (1 << 0)
#define EVENT_KEY (1 << 1)
#define EVENT_BUTTON (1 << 2)
#define EVENT_END_REQUEST (1 << 3)
#define EVENT_DESKTOP_BACK_DRAW (1 << 4)
#define EVENT_MOUSE_CHANGE (1 << 5)
#define EVENT_IPC (1 << 6)
#define EVENT_NETWORK (1 << 7)
#define EVENT_INACTIVE_NO_CURSOR (1 << 30)
#define EVENT_INACTIVE_NO_MOUSE (1 << 31)
/* Pixel array which we need to pass around. */
unsigned char * pixels;
unsigned previous_mouse_position, previous_mouse_buttons;
int kolibri_get_button_id(void)
uint16_t __ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"int $0x40"
if ((__ret & 0xFF) == 0) {
return (__ret >> 8) & 0xFF;
else {
return -1;
int kolibri_wait_for_event(void)
uint32_t __ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(__ret):"0"(10));
return __ret;
int kolibri_get_pressed_key(void)
uint16_t __ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(__ret):"0"(2));
if (!(__ret & 0xFF)) {
return (__ret >> 8) & 0xFF;
else {
return 0;
void kolibri_define_window(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t xsize,
uint16_t ysize, uint32_t body_color, uint32_t grab_color,
uint32_t frame_color)
uint32_t a, b;
a = (x1 << 16) | xsize;
b = (y1 << 16) | ysize;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40"
void kolibri_window_redraw(int status)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40"::"a"(12),"b"(status));
void kolibri_set_wanted_events(uint32_t ev)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40"::"a"(40),"b"(ev));
inline void f65_32bpp(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, char *d)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("pusha");
__asm__ __volatile__ ("nop"::"D"(0), "c"(w*65536 + h), "d"(x*65536 + y),
__asm__ __volatile__ ("xor %eax, %eax");
__asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %eax, %ebp");
__asm__ __volatile__ ("pushl $32");
__asm__ __volatile__ ("popl %esi");
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40"::"a"(65));
__asm__ __volatile__ ("popa");
unsigned kolibri_mouse_get_relative(void)
unsigned error;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(error):"a"(37), "b"(1));
return error;
unsigned kolibri_mouse_get_buttonpress(void)
unsigned error;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(error):"a"(37), "b"(2));
return error;
unsigned kolibri_mouse_get_scrolldata(void)
unsigned error;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(error):"a"(37), "b"(7));
return error;
/* timeout is in 1/100 seconds */
unsigned kolibri_wait_for_event_with_timeout(int timeout)
unsigned event;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(event):"a"(23), "b"(timeout));
return event;
unsigned kolibri_scancodes(void)
unsigned error;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(error):"a"(66), "b"(1), "c"(1));
return error;
void kolibri_redraw(nsfb_t *nsfb)
f65_32bpp(0, 0, nsfb->width, nsfb->height, pixels + 1);
unsigned kolibri_skin_get_height(void)
unsigned error;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(error):"a"(48), "b"(4));
return error;
unsigned kolibri_area(char *data)
unsigned error;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x40":"=a"(error):"a"(9), "b"(data),
return error;
void kolibri_fb_redraw(nsfb_t *nsfb)
kolibri_define_window(100, 100, nsfb->width + 9,
nsfb->height + kolibri_skin_get_height(), 0x74000080,
0x800000FF, "Netsurf for KolibriOS");
debug_board_write_str("f65 is mighty with 32 bpp!\n");
/* Here put image pixels! it's 32bpp */
f65_32bpp(0, 0, nsfb->width, nsfb->height, pixels + 1);
static int kolibri_surface_set_geometry(nsfb_t *nsfb, int width, int height,
enum nsfb_format_e format)
/* fail if surface already initialised */
if (nsfb->surface_priv != NULL)
return -1;
nsfb->width = width;
nsfb->height = height;
nsfb->format = format;
/* We add one more byte to balance XBGR to BGRX for KolibriOS. */
/* *4 because we only support 32bpp */
pixels = (char *)malloc(width * height * 4 + 1);
/* select default sw plotters for format */
/* Fail if plotter selection fails */
if (select_plotters(nsfb) == false) {
return -1;
return 0;
static int kolibri_surface_initialise(nsfb_t *nsfb)
enum nsfb_format_e fmt;
previous_mouse_position = 0;
previous_mouse_buttons = 0;
debug_board_write_str("Kolibri Initialise in libnsfb.\n");
if (nsfb->surface_priv != NULL) {
debug_board_write_str("Surface already "
"has private surface\n. Abort\n");
return -1;
nsfb->surface_priv = pixels;
nsfb->ptr = pixels;
nsfb->linelen = (nsfb->width * nsfb->bpp) / 8;
/* This is for setting flags for MCALL 40 for events read by a window */
kolibri_set_wanted_events(EVENT_REDRAW |
return 0;
static int kolibri_surface_finalise(nsfb_t *nsfb)
nsfb = nsfb;
return 0;
int key_is_up(int scancode)
return (scancode & 0x80) >> 7;
int scan2key(int scan)
int keycode = scan & 0x0FF7F;
/* MAIN KB - NUMS */
if (keycode == 0x02) return NSFB_KEY_1;
if (keycode == 0x03) return NSFB_KEY_2;
if (keycode == 0x04) return NSFB_KEY_3;
if (keycode == 0x05) return NSFB_KEY_4;
if (keycode == 0x06) return NSFB_KEY_5;
if (keycode == 0x07) return NSFB_KEY_6;
if (keycode == 0x08) return NSFB_KEY_7;
if (keycode == 0x09) return NSFB_KEY_8;
if (keycode == 0x0A) return NSFB_KEY_9;
if (keycode == 0x0B) return NSFB_KEY_0;
if (keycode == 0x10) return NSFB_KEY_q;
if (keycode == 0x11) return NSFB_KEY_w;
if (keycode == 0x12) return NSFB_KEY_e;
if (keycode == 0x13) return NSFB_KEY_r;
if (keycode == 0x14) return NSFB_KEY_t;
if (keycode == 0x15) return NSFB_KEY_y;
if (keycode == 0x16) return NSFB_KEY_u;
if (keycode == 0x17) return NSFB_KEY_i;
if (keycode == 0x18) return NSFB_KEY_o;
if (keycode == 0x19) return NSFB_KEY_p;
if (keycode == 0x1A) return NSFB_KEY_LEFTBRACKET;
if (keycode == 0x1B) return NSFB_KEY_RIGHTBRACKET;
if (keycode == 0x1E) return NSFB_KEY_a;
if (keycode == 0x1F) return NSFB_KEY_s;
if (keycode == 0x20) return NSFB_KEY_d;
if (keycode == 0x21) return NSFB_KEY_f;
if (keycode == 0x22) return NSFB_KEY_g;
if (keycode == 0x23) return NSFB_KEY_h;
if (keycode == 0x24) return NSFB_KEY_j;
if (keycode == 0x25) return NSFB_KEY_k;
if (keycode == 0x26) return NSFB_KEY_l;
if (keycode == 0x2C) return NSFB_KEY_z;
if (keycode == 0x2D) return NSFB_KEY_x;
if (keycode == 0x2E) return NSFB_KEY_c;
if (keycode == 0x2F) return NSFB_KEY_v;
if (keycode == 0x30) return NSFB_KEY_b;
if (keycode == 0x31) return NSFB_KEY_n;
if (keycode == 0x32) return NSFB_KEY_m;
/* TODO: Add a TAB Key here to cycle through fields */
if (keycode == 0x27) return NSFB_KEY_SEMICOLON;
if (keycode == 0x28) return NSFB_KEY_QUOTEDBL;
if (keycode == 0x2B) return NSFB_KEY_BACKSLASH;
if (keycode == 0x33) return NSFB_KEY_COMMA;
if (keycode == 0x34) return NSFB_KEY_PERIOD;
if (keycode == 0x35) return NSFB_KEY_SLASH;
if (keycode == 0x0C) return NSFB_KEY_MINUS;
if (keycode == 0x0D) return NSFB_KEY_EQUALS;
if (keycode == 0x0E) return NSFB_KEY_BACKSPACE;
if (keycode == 0xE053) return NSFB_KEY_DELETE;
if (keycode == 0x2A) return NSFB_KEY_LSHIFT;
if (keycode == 0x36) return NSFB_KEY_RSHIFT;
if (keycode == 0x1C) return NSFB_KEY_RETURN;
if (keycode == 0xE04B) return NSFB_KEY_LEFT;
if (keycode == 0xE04D) return NSFB_KEY_RIGHT;
if (keycode == 0xE048) return NSFB_KEY_UP;
if (keycode == 0xE050) return NSFB_KEY_DOWN;
if (keycode == 0x3F) return NSFB_KEY_F5;
if (keycode == 0x39) return NSFB_KEY_SPACE;
if (keycode == 0x01) return NSFB_KEY_ESCAPE;
if (keycode == 0x38) return NSFB_KEY_LALT;
if (keycode == 0x1D) return NSFB_KEY_LCTRL;
if (keycode == 0xE038) return NSFB_KEY_RALT;
if (keycode == 0xE01D) return NSFB_KEY_RCTRL;
if (keycode == 0xE047) return NSFB_KEY_HOME;
if (keycode == 0xE04F) return NSFB_KEY_END;
if (keycode == 0xE049) return NSFB_KEY_PAGEUP;
if (keycode == 0xE051) return NSFB_KEY_PAGEDOWN;
/* TODO: Useful for future implementation */
int ispowerkey(int scancode)
return (scancode & 0xE000) >> 15;
static bool kolibri_surface_input(nsfb_t *nsfb, nsfb_event_t *event,
int timeout)
int got_event;
static int scanfull = 0;
char event_num[20];
nsfb = nsfb; /* unused */
if (timeout >= 0) {
got_event = kolibri_wait_for_event_with_timeout(timeout / 10);
} else {
got_event = kolibri_wait_for_event();
if (got_event == 0) {
return false;
/* sprintf(event_num, "got_event = %d\n", got_event); */
/* debug_board_write_str(event_num); */
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_NONE;
/* redraw event */
if (got_event == 1) {
/* keypress event */
if (got_event == 2) {
int scanz = kolibri_get_pressed_key();
if (scanz == 0xE0) {
scanfull = 0xE000;
return true;
} else {
scanfull = scanfull + scanz;
if (key_is_up(scanfull) == 1) {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP;
} else {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
event->value.keycode = scan2key(scanfull);
scanfull = 0;
return true;
/* button press event */
if (got_event == 3) {
if (kolibri_get_button_id() == 1)
return true;
/* mouse event */
if (got_event == 6) {
unsigned z = kolibri_mouse_get_relative();
unsigned b = kolibri_mouse_get_buttonpress();
int s = kolibri_mouse_get_scrolldata();
if (previous_mouse_position != z) {
event->value.vector.x = (z & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
event->value.vector.y = z & 0xffff;
event->value.vector.z = 0;
previous_mouse_position = z;
else if (previous_mouse_buttons != b) {
unsigned diff = previous_mouse_buttons^b;
/* All high bits in the XOR represent bits that
changed */
if (diff & EVENT_REDRAW) {
/* Left mouse button */
event->value.keycode = NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_1;
if (b & EVENT_REDRAW) {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
} else {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP;
} else if (diff & EVENT_KEY) {
/* Right mouse button */
event->value.keycode = NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_3;
if (b & EVENT_KEY) {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
} else {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP;
} else if (diff & EVENT_BUTTON) {
/* Middle mouse button */
event->value.keycode = NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_2;
if (b & EVENT_BUTTON) {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
} else {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP;
} else if (diff & EVENT_END_REQUEST) {
/* 4th mouse button (forward) */
event->value.keycode = NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_4;
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
} else {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP;
} else if (diff & EVENT_DESKTOP_BACK_DRAW) {
/* 5th mouse button (back) */
event->value.keycode = NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_5;
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
} else {
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP;
} else {
/*The Event 6 did not match any handled cases*/
char diffstr[40];
sprintf(diffstr, "Unhandled case."
"Previous_mouse_buttons^b is :"
"%u", diff);
previous_mouse_buttons = b;
else if (s != 0) {
short int vert = s & 0xffff;
short int hori = s >> 16;
event->type = NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
if (vert != 0) {
/*Handle vertical scroll*/
if (vert > 0) /*SCROLL DOWN*/
event->value.keycode = NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_5;
else /*SCROLL UP*/
event->value.keycode = NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_4;
else {
/* TODO: Handle Horizontal scroll here */
return true;
static int kolibri_surface_claim(nsfb_t *nsfb, nsfb_bbox_t *box)
/* TODO: Convert to full function from stub */
if ((cursor != NULL) &&
(cursor->plotted == true) &&
(nsfb_plot_bbox_intersect(box, &cursor->loc))) {
nsfb_cursor_clear(nsfb, cursor);
return 0;
static int kolibri_surface_cursor(nsfb_t *nsfb, struct nsfb_cursor_s *cursor)
/* Convert to full function from stub */
return true;
static int kolibri_surface_update(nsfb_t *nsfb, nsfb_bbox_t *box)
/* Do the window redraw here */
return 0;
const nsfb_surface_rtns_t kolibri_rtns = {
.initialise = kolibri_surface_initialise,
.finalise = kolibri_surface_finalise,
.input = kolibri_surface_input,
.claim = kolibri_surface_claim,
.update = kolibri_surface_update,
.cursor = kolibri_surface_cursor,
.geometry = kolibri_surface_set_geometry,
Hi Michael.
Thanks for the review of the surface. I have fixed the issues you mentioned.
It just seems better to stick to the Netsurf code style as much as possible.
The revise file is attached to this mail. It can also be found on github[1].
>> static int kolibri_surface_claim(nsfb_t *nsfb, nsfb_bbox_t *box)
>> {
>> /* TODO: Convert to full function from stub */
>> /*
>> if ((cursor != NULL) &&
>> (cursor->plotted == true) &&
>> (nsfb_plot_bbox_intersect(box, &cursor->loc))) {
>> nsfb_cursor_clear(nsfb, cursor);
>> }
>> */
>> return 0;
>> }
> The framebuffer front end normally renders its own mouse pointer.
> From this, I guess you're relying on the pointer from the KolibriOS desktop.
> This should work for the most part, but I'm not sure you'll be able to
> do things like make the pointer change shape when hovering over a link
> unless we extend the nsfb surface API.
This isn't high priority (or even required) atm, so I think It's best
to let the stub remain for a future maintainer (possibly myself) in
the hopes that it will be eventually fixed.
I'll wait for Vince's opinion on this.
Once that's done and I get Netsurf git access, I'll start moving the code.
Thank you, everyone!
Ashish Gupta
[1] : https://github.com/ashmew2/nskolibrios/blob/nskolibrios/libnsfb/src/surface/kolibri.c
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