Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Re: simple html pages slow to render

David Pitt wrote

> Vincent Sanders, on 10 Nov, wrote:

>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 08:12:18AM +0000, David Pitt wrote:
>>> Vincent Sanders, on 10 Nov, wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 11:35:26AM +0000, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>>>> The Gaydon online parish magazine is a single HTML file which
>>>>> references a common CSS file.
>>>>> http://www.gaydon.org.uk/mags.html
>>>>> It takes on average 31 seconds to load and display a magazine using
>>>>> NetSurf #3055 on an Iyonix. Javascript on or off makes no
>>>>> difference.
>>>>> Using NetSurf 3.2 the page load is instantaneous.
>>>>> Not sure if this counts as a bug but I have submitted a report to
>>>>> the tracker.
>>>> this is in the tracker as
>>>> http://bugs.netsurf-browser.org/mantis/view.php?id=2384
>>>> I have added a debug build of NetSurf to the tracker for this issue
>>>> only
>>>> if someone could download and run this development version and upload
>>>> the log of it failing that would be great. For me the issue never
>>>> occurs using my emulated RISC OS.
>>> I have to admit to an element of failure in that I can't find that
>>> development build on the tracker.
>> I attached it to the 2384 bug report as netsurf-fetch-log.zip

> Ah, the clue is in the name.
> Anyway I have got it now and uploaded two logs.

>From the both logs this much is clear:
after a "failed: UnacceptableType" NS loops until a 30010 millisecond

(11.580000) render/html_css.c:110 html_convert_css_callback:
stylesheet file:///Choices:WWW/NetSurf/User failed: UnacceptableType

*************************** loop *******************
11.58 ..c:249 fetch_dispatch_jobs: queue_ring 0, fetch_ring 1
11.58 ..c:229 dump_rings: fetch_ring:
11.59 ..c:261 fetch_dispatch_jobs: Fetch ring is now 1 elements.
11.59 ..c:262 fetch_dispatch_jobs: Queue ring is now 0 elements.
11.59 ..c:272 fetcher_poll: Polling fetchers

*************** repeats until *********************

41.39..c:272 fetcher_poll: Polling fetchers
* Connection timed out after 30010 milliseconds


John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Ein nasser Vogel fliegt nicht bei Nacht - Das ist der Sinn des Lebens.

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