Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Re: 906 js crashes immediately on anything

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 09:53:15PM +0000, Dave Higton wrote:
> I'm hoping this is a well known thing...

Even if it is, more data helps fix bugs. You can work out if it's well known
by looking at the bug tracker.

> I'm assuming that it's so easy to reproduce that you won't need a
> bug report: if you do, though, I'll be happy to submit one.

To assume is to make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. Please provide a detailed
report explaining what you're doing, what you're fetching, what happens, what
version of NS you're running on what version of what OS, etc. It's critical
that you give us as much data as possible so we can reproduce the issue as you
see it. Otherwise we may find and fix a bug but not the one you're seeing.

The best way to report bugs is to report them on the tracker. Dealing with
duplicates or 'already fixed's on the tracker is easy. Ditto if you look on
the tracker and see your issue reported already, please do be sure to actually
go through the report and ensure that you cannot add any extra data. We need
every hint we can get.


Daniel Silverstone http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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