Sunday, 10 July 2016

Re: [gccsdk] GNUGCC Gfortran for RISC OS

Hi John
IThanks for the info, I am happy to give it a go as I have the cross compiler on a linux box.  Currently in the Whitsundays doing a sailing course but will work on it when I get back.   Will let you know how I get on.
best wishes

On 10 July 2016 at 21:13, John Tytgat <> wrote:
On 07/09/2016 03:25 PM, Norman-Cathy Lawrence wrote:

John many thanks for your quick reply. Is that something that this group can do or do I need to do something? Norman

Possibly.  Maybe one of the GCCSDK developers have time & interest to try it out for you (unfortunately I don't).

In case you want to try it yourself : initially you want to know how feasible this all is, so the idea is to get the fortran compiler first working & validated as cross-compiler (so not natively running on RISC OS but running on, typically, a Linux host).  As start, you need to be able to cross-compile GCCSDK GCC as it is right now (see

If you're able to do that, then add fortran to GCC_LANGUAGES in Makefile enabling the fortran frontend build (it's probably a good idea leave out C++ for the time being as this will just burn build time and not relevant for the investigation).  In order to further limit build times, you can temporary reduce the number of runtime libraries and module/soft/hard float flavours.  I believe you can just do this by making the MULTILIB_* variables empty at recipe/files/gcc/gcc/config/arm/t-arm-riscos-elf.  This should by default result in UnixLib & softfloat combo.

In best possible scenario this will just give you the fortran cross-compiler which you can then try out if it really works as expected.  After that you can build the RISC OS compiler with the fortran frontend enabled, adjust the RISC OS packaging script (create-gcckit) so that the extra fortran related files end up in the resulting zip files which then can be packed out on RISC OS.  In principle this should give you a recent RISC OS port of gfortran.


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