Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Filtering webpages

It is some years ago that Fred Graute added scriptability
to StrongED, using the 'apply' icon. It enables one to
alter what is displayed in a StrongED window by dragging
a script to that icon.

There are often occasions when one would like to massage
webpages displayed in a browser. At present one has
to save out the displayed page's textual source to
StrongED, drag in the script to do the massaging,
save the result as an HTML file and then display that
result in the browser. It would be nice if this process
could be simplified and done entirely within the browser,
without having to-and-fro between browser and StrongED.
A typically useful script is one that removes all the
source starting <script ... up to a matching </script>.

So many web pages these days are crammed with stuff put in by
advertisers or third parties which upset the viewing experience,
or which NetSurf is unable to render properly. The individual
user is increasingly going to need tools to fight back, with
which they can emasculate the page of all the clutter added in
for statistical purposes, to add unwanted advertisements and
pop-ups. The days of innocence are long over, so filtering of
web pages is now a necessity.

I am not sufficiently au fait with the sources of NetSurf to
know if there are hooks available for scriptability beyond
saving out the page being displayed. I would love to hear what
other NetSurf users think.
Gavin Wraith (gavin@wra1th.plus.com)
Home page: http://www.wra1th.plus.com/

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