Monday, 19 January 2015

Re: [gccsdk] Uploading the new GCC4.7.4 compiler

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 01:42:45PM +0000, alan buckley wrote:
> I've created the gcc-4.7.4-release1 folder and populated it, but I
> don't have permission to remove the old links from the latest
> folder so I can't symlink the new ones.
> Can some one do that for me and let me know when it's done?
> Or should I be added to a group somewhere so I can do it myself?

You're in the riscpkg group so I'm not sure why you can't do it yourself.

Anyway, instead of symlinking packages individually (latest/ ->
../gcc-4.1.2-release2/ etc) I've symlinked the folder latest entirely
to gcc-4.7.4-release1.

Can anyone remember why the packages had individual symlinks rather than on
a per-directory basis? I wonder if there's some reason related to
downloading from RISC OS that I've missed?

(I left the existing folder in place as 'latest-4.1.2' for now)

> I'll need to update the wiki as the c++ compiler is now part of
> the main binaries download.

Hopefully you're set up to do that, feel free to go ahead.


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