On 20 Dec, David Love <zed@zed.net.nz> wrote:
> I have been using Linux since 2006 and have forgotten a
> good deal of the knowledge I learnt using RISC OS - from an
> A5000 to RiscPC, so seek the assistance of contributors to
> the RiscPcEmu mailing list.
> Dowloaded rpcemu-0.8.11 and compiled it, using the
> instructions provided. I now have to install the RISC OS
> Roms and therein lies my problem. Where does the compiled
> rpcemu end up on my computer. Searching my computer results
> in a list of the files in the extracted directory only, I
> have copied the VFree402.ddc files to the roms directory
> there but launching the terminal and changing to the
> appropriate directory and typing rpcemu returns the
> following error:
I have done the following under Ubuntu which will allow easy
upgrading if new versions of RPCEmu are released.
Create a directory "RISC OS" in your home folder.
Download and extract "rpcemu-0.8.11" into it.
Compile from source.
Place the RPCEmu ROMS in "RISC OS/rpcemu-0.8.11/roms". There's
the Tom Walker one from the RPCEmu website or I'm using RO5
from RISC OS Open. They should be named "riscos" and filetype
binary with read permissions.
Create "RISC OS/hostfs" (so its in the main directory
alongside the emulator).
Right click to "Make Link" to "RISC OS/hostfs" giving you
"RISC OS/Link to hostfs"
From the ROOL site download HardDisc4 (or Beta), put it in
"RISC OS/hostfs/" and extract it.
Create "RISC OS/hostfs/HOLD"
Move the "Link to hostfs" to "RISC OS/rpcemu-0.8.11/Link to
Move the contents of "RISC OS/rpcemu-0.8.11/hostfs" to "RISC
This puts the networking components into the new RISC OS disc.
Delete the now empty folder "RISC OS/rpcemu-0.8.11/hostfs"
and rename "Link to hostfs" to "hostfs".
When you start the emulator now it will read from the new disc
Optionally go to "RISC OS/rpcemu-0.8.11/rpcemu" and "Make
Link". This can be moved to the desktop to start RPCEmu. (If
you select properties from the link and click on the icon you
can select a ROOL cog one if you have it on your hard disc.)
In future if there are new builds of the emulator then
"rpcemu-x.x.xx" can be extracted into the "RISC OS" folder and
the symbolic link to hostfs moved which keeps your main hard
disc image intact. Also change the Desktop link.
If you network in a RISC OS box you can use a Network Filing
System program like Sunfish to create a link on the other
machine to the main "hostfs" disc - which doesnt move if you
upgrade the emulator.
If I transfer any applications or program files from a RISC OS
machine across NFS then I zip them to preserve filetypes and
put them in "HOLD" ready to unzip when the emulator is
This means I can store Artworks, Prophet etc files on the
Ubuntu machine and work on them from both my RISC Pc, Pi or
RPCEmu or Ubuntu machines/emulators
Rpcemu mailing list
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